Saturday, September 17, 2011

10 Things I’d love to DO if I had more time

I’ve also recently found out another hobby: visiting bookstores and curiosity shops: trips to these imagination-inducing places inspired me to list: 

 10 Things I’d love to DO if I had more time:
…arranged in no particular order. I just had to write these down. Some are sane; some aren’t. Suspend your disbelief, and make your own list to!

  1. Read more MANGA – Finish Battle Royale; download Bakuman and all other titles recommended by other Mangaholics.
  2. Watch more MOVIES – I’ve been buying a lot of DVDs (Blu-ray) of rare, vintage movies; but I have only watched 25% of what I have in my stash! (note to self: Hoarding is a dangerous obsession) Given the time, I’d love to spend lazy, rainy weekend afternoons on the couch, watching movies - those independent/foreign films are on top of my must-watch list.
  3. Cosplay – Yup! “Channel your inner geek and don your favourite anime costume.” That’ll be the signage I’d be holding up to have others join my cause (or lack thereof), *smiley* Who to cosplay? I’ve been lusting after Ky Kiske’s (Guilty Gear) Blue-white outfit and erm; Bridget’s (but no way I’d be wearing hers, or I mean, his, costume). Rey and I are planning to go as Jigen Daisuke and Arsene Lupin III, respectively, during the rumoured GSC cosplay on December, but we’re still looking for a gorgeous Fujiko who’s willing to bare enough cleavage to distract fans from our shoddy cosplay outfits… any volunteers?
  4. WRITE Stories – There are a lot of plot ideas floating in my brain matter; some are already mutating into horror flicks if not written down – so I think I’d really have to do something about it. A story, if not written down, or passed along, I believe, is like a stew that’s been left too long on the oven – the good stuff often evaporates away – leaving a black crust clinging on the pan. Neil Gaiman has taken root in my imagination too~ hence the inspiration.
  5. GO places – Not the usual trip to the bathroom; I’d like to go around; wander around the city; hop on one of the buses going to the province – get lost somewhere; travel!
  6. Sleep under the STARS – Camp around and get friendly with mosquitoes; count meteors; just listen to the sound of crickets, and not having to worry about bedtime and missed TV shows – and updating social networking sites.
  7. PLAY videogames – Technically, I’ve been doing this a lot lately – I’m virtually unbeatable in my PC’s Guilty Gear version; but I’d like to spend more time in arcade stations; spending hard-earned cash on tokens – without having to worry if people (especially my students) would recognize me – banging on the buttons and using expletives not learned at home~ *smiley again*
  8. Learn to play a MUSICAL instrument – A violin would be cool; but the guitar’s more versatile; I dunno; Music doesn’t like me. I think I have an innate power of causing rain through my vocal chords. Still, learning how to play an instrument looks gratifying and artsy~
  9. PAINT – with a brush, on a canvass, with latex/acrylic – this is actually one way of releasing stress – I miss doing this – I’ve painted a lot in the past – I’d love to make more artworks to give to friends.
  10. SHOOT People – with a camera of course – take their portraits and photoshop their smiles – yep, photography seems really interesting – photomanipulation even more so.

    Doodling - my way to de-stress
    So there, those were my top 10 – I’m currently doing some measures to fulfill these idiosyncrasies of mine… Happiness isn’t a one-time deal - it’s actually collecting those little moments of bliss that life can offer.

    Repost from my Tumblr: originally posted on Nov 20, 2010 and on Facebook July 27, 2011 

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